Vacation Home
Room facilities: Enjoy the privacy of the whole home!
Room size: 1,600sqft
Bed size: 2 King size, 1 Queen size
Taxes: 11.5% (calculated through booking process)
Prepayment: 30%
Latest update
EV's welcome
We're monitoring the development with respect to electrical vehicles closely and see an ever increasing customer base and thus need for charging capabilities. Having travelled longer distances with an EV ourselves, we know that having a charger available is giving great peace of mind and improves the overall charging infrastructure.
So we installed an Autel Charger that guests can use easily with the Autel app. Costs for charging are directly charged through the app to your credit card. With a charging speed of up to 10 kWh, the charger can charge even the largest battery to a 100% while you're sound asleep in the comfortable beds, so you're ready for your next adventure the next morning.
The charger is located in the garage and thus protected from the elements.